Currency Convertor

Currency Converter

💱 Currency Converter

Convert any currency with real-time exchange rates! 🚀



Exchange rates updated: -

How It Works

  1. User Input: Users enter the amount and select the “From” and “To” currencies using dropdown menus.
  2. Real-Time Rates: The app fetches real-time exchange rates from an API (e.g., ExchangeRate-API).
  3. Conversion: The app calculates the converted amount using the fetched rates.
  4. Display Result: The converted amount is displayed below the converter section.
  5. Updated Rates: The app shows the last updated time of the exchange rates.


  • Responsive design for all devices.
  • Real-time currency conversion using an API.
  • Custom dropdowns for selecting currencies.
  • Displays updated currency prices.
  • Optimized for WordPress Sahifa Theme.

Future Enhancements

  • Add a refresh button to update exchange rates manually.
  • Add support for historical exchange rates.
  • Improve error handling and user feedback.