Image Compressor

Image Compressor

📷 Image Compressor

Compress your images and documents with ease! 🚀


Results 📊

File Name Original Size Compressed Size Status Download

How It Works

  1. File Upload: Users can upload an image or document (e.g., PDF) using the file input.
  2. Compression Level: Users can adjust the compression level using a range slider (0-100%).
  3. Compression Process:
    • For images, the app uses the HTML5 Canvas API to compress the image.
    • For documents, the app uses JavaScript’s Blob API to reduce file size.
  4. Results Table: The table shows the original size, compressed size, status (success or no compression), and a download button for the compressed file.


  • Responsive design for all devices.
  • Custom compression level adjustment.
  • Supports image and document compression.
  • Results displayed in a styled table with fun emojis.
  • Download button for compressed files.
  • Optimized for WordPress Sahifa Theme.

Future Enhancements

  • Add support for more document types (e.g., Word, Excel).
  • Improve error handling and user feedback.
  • Add a progress bar for compression.